KnK Karts

March 2015

KnK Evo M15 is a kart built especially to the requirements of Meco Racing for the new and exciting series of 4-stroke kart racing, the Meco-Phoenix SCC Karting Championship. SCC stands for Schools, Colleges, Corporates. 

February 2015

A new and exciting series of 4-stroke kart racing is in the offing, the Meco-Phoenix SCC Karting Championship. SCC stands for Schools, Colleges, Corporates. 

January 2015

It has been a while since we sent out our last newsletter. At KnK Karts, we have been busy with developing what has always been a great kart, into a better one. This attention to detail is reflected across the product line and we will in time, bring you the details of these different models.